For a fun and highly effective experience, climbing shoes are an invariably invested tool by professional climbers as most of the surface is most exposed to cliffs or hills with friction good. In many cases some beginners climb they do not know what to equip, sport shoes or hiking shoes instead, but cause the danger of less adhesion on shoes than others. Genuine mountain climbing shoes. Also, some climbing stations offer shoe rentals, making it easier for those who forget. However, they certainly are not as convenient and comfortable as my shoes.
Above all, each type of climbing shoe will be suitable for different climbing terrain. Besides, the choice of shoes should also be noted because there are many types of shoes on the market that you need to consider before choosing.
1. Neutral climbing shoes

The first shoe we'd like to recommend to you is neutral-coloured mountain climbing shoes. Overall, they are very comfortable and fit to carry around all day, especially suitable for those who have experience climbing. On the other hand, they allow you to lay your toes flat in the shoe. In addition, they are also suitable for those who are just starting out.
For these types of shoes, they are very comfortable for all-day use, medium to hard soles with thick rubber soles, and limit pain in your feet. But they also have some caveats, as thicker and stiffer soles make them feel less sensitive; compared to the thinner sole on sturdy and moderate shoes, it does not use well on difficult roads with overhangs.
2. Aggressive climbing shoes

In terms of design these shoes have recessed toes and exert a lot of tension in the heel to bring your foot in firm position. Most shoes with such a strong design have an asymmetrical shape and curl toward the big toe, focusing mainly on the toe positions. Because the shape fits and has a downward direction, it is very suitable for climbing sports or using at the gym. Mainly used by professionals and people with high qualifications in the field of mountaineering.
Besides, the rubber layer of this type is usually very thin and sticky, creating a lot of sensitivity for the toes. Although the tips of the toes are falling, but somewhere else, the technical ability on certain routes will be much easier.
Talking about the appearance of aggressive climbing shoes, the ability to know climbing techniques is better than moderate climbing shoes, mainly climbing, climbing in the gym and when climbing rock. Plus, the slimmer and more sticky rubber gives better sensitivity on the toe to hold the toe. On the other hand, they are not good at smearing or trapping the foot in cracks due to the shape of the toe being concave. Usually this type is less durable because of the thin rubber layer.
3. Moderate climbing shoes

Moderate shoes with a more recessed toe design than an intermediate shoe as the intermediate shoe is very flat and intended for use by beginners. On the other hand, due to the concave shape of the shoe, also known as the camber, moderate shoes have much better climbing technique than neutral shoes.
At this point they are able to overcome overhangs and be active all day by climbers and provide comfort to make the trip even more challenging. Moreover, they can handle ramps, cracked slides, long multi-pitch climbs, and slightly overpowered sport tracks.
The good point of this type from the downward shape puts the foot in a firmer, stronger position than the neutral shoe, making it easier to climb on tougher routes. Plus, they're made with sticky rubber and thinner soles than neutral shoes for better feel and grip. However, they are less suitable for overly high and rocky roads.
But sometimes they also need to remove some dirt before continuing on. Book-making for mountain climbing shoes requires separate steps to preserve shoe durability. First, you need to brush off the dirt and debris on the shoes, then soak them in warm water, noting that it is not hot. Along with a little detergent (if there is cleaning water for climbing shoes, the better). Next, use a brush to scrub the shoe from the inside out, focusing on the toe and sole of the shoe. The second is to rinse the shoes with clean water, and dry them, especially avoiding direct sunlight.
It's important to use an old toothbrush when cleaning your shoes to scrub the inside of the shoe, especially the toe part. With such a climbing process, most of the body weight goes to the toes, where a lot of dirt accumulates. Plus, toothbrushes cannot damage your shoes. The next step is just as important as using warm, not hot, water as it will ruin the glue that holds the shoes together. Warm water will remove dirt and dirt.
About a mild detergent like dishwashing liquid is the first thing we want to talk about, but if there is a dedicated mountain shoe cleaner the better. In some cases the stains and odors are more difficult, liquid detergent can be used. Note that the cleaning agent does not contain any bleach.
Clean the sole to help remove dirt and small invisible pebbles. If unwelcome objects get caught in the rubber sole will speed up the deterioration of the shoe as it grinds against other surfaces.
The last step is to make sure that your shoes are 100% dry, you can hang them up or put them in front of the fan overnight. As for the insides, tuck them in the newspaper to absorb the water as it helps your climbing shoes dry faster and helps the leather shoes retain their shape.
Moreover, the cleaning of climbing shoes and on pebbles periodically keeps them clean and comfortable for climbers, but sometimes there is still a little odor.
If you are a beginner we recommend neutral shoes and you can easily operate a variety of techniques on these shoes as they are comfortable to wear. The convenience of climbing is not small, creating a sense of safety for the body with good friction rubber and the lightness of the materials that make them up, so investing in a pair of shoes is the first thing to do. when you join the hikes.