Almost all professional mountaineers will be very interested in the necessary accessories and tools for their trek. It is not enough to mention the career here, but they always want their trip to be well-thought out, especially so that their trip is not injured or adversely affected by the climbing trip. It is noteworthy that the hand part because this is a flat surface and in direct contact with rocky surfaces or cliffs, should be fully equipped to avoid injuries on the hands.
So in addition to specialized climbing gloves, they also have climbing tape to use for fingers and hands because sometimes there comes a point when your skin gets worn out, you will need an extra layer of protection. The rock climbing tape gloves do the whole thing from protecting your skin, providing support for tendons and ligaments, while also giving the rock and tape surface an extra layer of friction.
There are a variety of climbing tapes on the market, such as climbing finger tapes that are not stretched, but can be torn into thin strips. And often climbers use adhesive tape to protect their hands when their hands are cracked while climbing, lacerated or to avoid injuries caused by pulleys. Through the above reasons there are different ice techniques such as a mountain climber cracking his arm apart from the ice like a boxer.
Climbers with torn skin will wear a bandage to cover the abrasion. Left to avoid injury because the pulley will tape between the knuckles like a ring. In general, it is very convenient to invest in additional items such as the rock climbing tape gloves. To better understand each benefit of rock climbing tape gloves, let's take a look at it.
1. What is the rock climbing tape glove?

The rock climbing tape gloves are designed to protect parts of the hand, areas with thin skin but mainly the knuckles and back of the hand. Currently, there are many ways to bandage the arm, but we would like to share the most common way that people use is method X, because it is simple and suitable for a cracked mountaineer.
First, start with a one-time tap around the wrist. The next step is to tape up diagonally on the back of the hand. Then twice around the knuckles and upper palm, then back to the back of the hand, forming the letter "X" on the back of the hand, because of the X-shaped tape, hence the name. To be on the safe side, it is recommended to repeat at least two or more.
2. How to make the best rock climbing tape glove?

Resting is a good way to treat torn skin, but during a competition or team, you don't want to miss or try to keep going, the armband will ensure you continue but only somewhat. Previously you used duct tape when it was on the palm of your hand. First, cut a piece of tape that spans the distance between the tip of your finger and the elbow.
Step two is to place the center of this piece of tape right on the knuckle or on whichever finger is closest to the flange. Step three is to thread the two ends between the fingers, each finger on either side corresponds to each other as if you were touching around the middle finger, one end of the tape would go between the index and middle fingers, and the other would go between the middle and ring fingers.
Step four you can cross the two pieces of fabric across the fabric and wrap the ends around the wrist. But in order for the hand to function normally, the bandage should not be applied too tightly.
In addition to the popular X-shaped tape method, there is also the H-shape method. We will take a 10cm long piece of tape and cut or tear off the middle two ends along its length, leaving about 1cm in the middle. Then place the integer part on your pip joints, on the palm. It is known that the pip joints are the middle joints on the fingers.
Then, fold the hose joint 60 degrees and wrap two of the four ends of the tape around the intermediate Phalanx as they will help keep the 60 degree bend at the pip joint. Next, to keep the tape fixed in the figure 8 on the position tape just placed.
3. Benefits of rock climbing tape gloves
Skin protection of the rock climbing tape gloves

Wearing a rock climbing tape glove is especially suitable if you participate in outdoor climbing activities, but there are still some people who simply use tape to protect their hands in the gym. In general, adhesive tape is the basic layer of protection to prevent your skin from cracking. You can use them at the end of a long and difficult workout when your fingers are raw, sore, worn, and more likely to tear.
So, adding an extra layer of tape or two can save you from injury. However, the tape will limit the feeling of the climber when holding, also reducing friction. Although they give you extra padding, they don't stick to your skin as tightly. Because the face in contact with the skin will also begin to slip when your body sweats.
Furthermore, the frequent use of skin protection tape will cause difficulty in feeling the skin surface adapted to the demands of climbing. Because the terrain does not allow you to have much contact, this sport is difficult for many newcomers if they do not have passion.
On the other hand, instead of relying on ice to relieve pain in your hand, you should practice controlling the movement and position of your hand. This will help you focus, have a more precise grip and prolong your endurance during the climb. Of course your skin will be damaged more or less on the outer surface, but thanks to that, you have a new experience.
Tape won't extinguish your hopes at your most desperate, if you've broken your skin but aren't ready to stop climbing, a few more attempts can be made using duct tape. Please note that if you are bleeding, make sure you have stopped the bleeding, to correct this the bandages will be torn off a thin piece and glued to the back of the injured finger.
Next, wrap the wound and overlap the bandage several times. An important step should be to secure the other end of the bandage to the joint below the wound to prevent it from falling off right away. Indeed, they won't last long with many layers of protection, but will help you somewhat make the final climb to reach the goal.
Structural support for rock climbing tape gloves

If we analyze and delve deeper between the knuckles, it is known that the fingers are actually a complex network of bones, muscles, tendons, joints, and pulleys, all of which work complementary to each other. Each specific function to give the operation of the hand. It is known that climbing can cause stress and injury to some or all parts.
About the pulley, it is easy to get injured when climbing. Pulleys are rings in each part of the finger that keep the tendons of the hand in place while bearing weight. Some of the most common mountaineering injuries are total or partial tearing of the A2 pulley, which causes a lot of stress during certain multi-finger movements, especially the bend.
Besides, the A2 pulley on the ring finger is more prone to injury than the other fingers. The telltale feeling when you have an injury is a persistent pain in your finger, acute finger pain while climbing, or hearing a snap of your finger while climbing.
In fact, tapping your fingers with an injured pulley is not effective for climbing. A useful solution to this problem is to rest. However, they are still not viable if they keep climbing. Truth be told, mountaineers have always thought that wrapping several layers of bandages around the injured finger would provide enough structural support to keep the tendon in place and prevent further injury to the pulley. But doing so will put a great deal of pressure on the hand and from there it will be difficult to return to normal.
Hopefully all of this background information on the benefits of rock climbing tape gloves and how to use them for your hands will go a long way in helping you improve your upper body ride. Not everyone can do that, there will be some people who will fit into the X-band or H-band to protect their tau.
Whether you are a novice climber or a seasoned professional, in addition to climbing skills, careful preparation of equipment is also necessary and important. Good health protection means your trip becomes successful. Thank you to everyone who joined gearinstant. See you in the next posts.