Camping is a form of entertainment with family and friends participating in outdoor activities. Before camping, the first thing to do is plan the equipment to bring during camping. Even so, bringing a camping tent for the family is something to never forget. The place is known as a portable resting place, meaning it is possible to move the bedroom outside without disturbing anyone. On the other hand, in fact many brands of camping tents always update to upgrade the features of the camping tent to provide comfort for the user. However, depending on the number of people, the needs of the personnel, the camping site or their special features, it is difficult for people to choose. Don't worry because we have gathered some essential information before you buy a tent.
1. Installation
The first thing we want to remind you of before choosing any camping tent product is to pay attention to how they are assembled, some tents are easy to use, some tents are difficult due to the materials they make. Therefore, before going out to camp, the tent must have the ward set it up in the backyard before going out. This will save you time if it is already dark, though if you know in advance it is the best conditions. Many tent shops have tents that accommodate up to 8 people and with a variety of designs. But does anyone know how long it takes to set up? It is up to the user and the design of the tent. So you need to consider that point when buying a tent. Besides, you do not want to spend hours at the place trying to set up a tent, choosing a tent also needs to read carefully the instruction, easy to use is required. Also look for independent reviewers on the websites for every detail of the tent; The second has a definite benefit in making tents require an unbound evaluator to easily point out what to know and error.
2. Material
As mentioned above, the installation of the tent is also dependent on carefully examining the material of the tent as this may affect purchasing options. Materials are also divided into many categories such as:
2.1 Canvas (cotton)

They are impermeable but will be very heavy when the water gets in. However, they last a long time and do not deteriorate as much as nylon. When the rain ends, take advantage of drying your tent.
2.2 Nylon and polyester

This is also waterproof, but the sun will damage the tent over time so check the fabric periodically. In addition, for safety when using, you should also check the sealed seams to ensure waterproofness during resting when weather transfers.
On the other hand, many people believe that the tents are waterproof, but as far as reviews are concerned, the inexpensive tents are not waterproof as expected. In addition, a good tent will have a non-tear barrier fabric. Generally, tents are made from all kinds of materials and they are always upgraded by the manufacturer.
In addition, the zipper of the tent, which is an important part of the tent but is often overlooked. Because they contribute to the door barrier to help you limit outside effects.
Furthermore, it is advisable to check if the zip is of the quality, makes it easy to move, does not cling to the fabric and is particularly stainless.
Also of concern is that the flies should be covered with waterproof nylon with polyurethane or polyurethane and silicone. All tents should be covered including windows and doors, for maximum protection from rain.
3. Weight of the tents
Depending on what you are camping for; You want to go camping in backpacks or camping for many days. And from there to know you need to choose the right tent to bring them for your trip. On the other hand, some larger tents are very heavy to carry around or some family tents are too large to make the packing process difficult. So consider that before you make a purchase.
4. Size of the tents

Aside from the weight of the tent, size is essential so you can accommodate as many people as you want. This gives you room for equipment. For two-person tents suitable for furniture if alone. If a tent has one more person plus furniture, you should choose a tent for three or more people to be spacious enough. However, most state parks allow 12 ′ x 12 space for a tent. It also depends on the information of the campsite to find the right tent, or some additional factors that need to be added are the size of the occupants.
5. Types of tents camping
5.1 The basic ridge tent

This is a classic tent shape, designed with a pole at each end and sometimes a diagonal pole; Mountain slopes often keep a tent-shaped roof from which the popular name is today. In particular, this type of tent has many sizes from one person to large tent, with easy space to rest and is also popularly sold in the market. The advantage of this type of tent height is limited compared to the user, even with the largest. However, it can be quite annoying when you encounter picnics with rainy weather, which makes moving in the tent quite difficult. In the case if you choose this tent for sleeping, it will be stable.
5.2 Dome tent

The Dome tent has the basic shape that curves from a flexible pole into a half-circle, the ends of the tent are fixed to a sturdy strip of ice or fabric that runs across the base of the tent.
Moreover, two flexible columns cross the middle to create a square, three-pole, hexagonal dome. The sides are more vertical so the headroom is wider. On the other hand, tents are suitable for small terrain, especially unlike mountain slopes where the dome becomes less stable with increasing size. In addition, dome tents come in various sizes, with a capacity from one person to about eight people; The tent has a double wall design and the inside ventilated tent is made mainly of mesh with waterproof floor. The tent was generally light dome, had a large space and was easy to erect; The top part of the tent arched area around the door was covered with rain flies of the tent. However, there are some dome tents with extra spaces to store extra equipment, or some without. The disadvantage of dome tents is that they tend to catch the wind and fall or be blown away.
5.3 A-Frame Tent

The A Frame tent is a tent with a simple design and a capital A frame. The tent is made of canvas with metal or wood stakes, a traditional hard frame, most of the materials that make up the tent have a large weight. The tent is easy to mount and stable at the correct height but it is heavy and cumbersome to move. On the other hand it uses a rigid frame of straight, usually steel piles with angled joints and can provide plenty of space.
5.4 Geodesic and semi-geodesic

It is known that the term geodesy is a mathematical term that means the shortest route between two points on earth. Currently, the columns of the tent overlap many times, intersecting to form a triangle and give the tent a lot of stability. With the advantage of being considered the most stable type of tent in extreme conditions, but the downside is larger in size to pack and more difficult to throw.
5.5 Instant or quick-pitch tents

The tent has a long, roll-up frame that is fixed to the tent fabric. By screwing the frame, there is a sphere. Just tossing the ball up high, all the assembly of the tent will be done to create a jumper with good weather conditions; inside tents and sleeping space for up to five people.
5.6 Inflatable Tent

This is also a tent that uses an inflatable tube to form a tent. It consists of frames and fabric included in one package. In the tent there is a roof structure, which can separate the piles and move separately. However, this type is mainly an air hose with an air hose, and needs to move the whole tent at once so it can be quite heavy. On the other hand, inflatable tube tents often use good quality materials, which makes them heavier and expensive. Furthermore, this tent comes with inflatable columns, which make it easier to install thanks to this feature, which requires a new steam bi-machine to use.
5.7 Teepee Tent

Teepee tent is a type of traditional single tent or bell tent of classic Scout which is popular today. Often textured cotton tent. These types of tents tend to have high ceilings, easy to slope and only need a single pillar, but are heavy and have a peak point of slope in contact with the tent. However, there are some tents made of one hundred percent cotton that are heavyweight, suitable for uncomfortable weather.
5.8 Tunnel Tent

The tunnel tent comes in many different sizes and shapes, probably the most popular form of family tent. This type is similar to a dome tent, but it is longer and more cylindrical. When upright, this tent tends to use ropes; The wire travels from the mounting points outside the tent to the ground for increased stability. Remarkable, they provide great space and good length. However, care should be taken when placing the tent, if it is incorrect, it may sag in the middle.
5.9 Vis-à-vis

This is a combination of dome tents and tunnels with many extra rooms. Much of the center of the tent will provide standing space, and an extra room on each side will provide two sleeping compartments.
5.10 Pod living

In addition to traditional tents, pod-style tents are considered to be the largest tents on the market today. The tent is suitable for a family setting, children can have their own space with play space and people can gather in the center of the tent. However, every tent has pros and cons, for this type because they cover a very large area of ground, need a larger amount of fabric than the tent, so you will be charged for renting public seats. That makes the tent heavier when transporting.
5.11 Multi-Room Tent

This is a traditional tent that has the capacity to closely resemble a house with many rooms. The main advantage of this type of tent is privacy, providing storage space and having the necessary space for a large family tent. The main downside of this tent is its weight and size, and it takes more time to erect. However, for large tents, strong winds also need to be paid attention to when staying.
5.12 Backpack tent

This type of tent is great for hiking or camping for many days is a difficult option to ignore. With a design like a three-pot and compact, the user can feel comfortable wearing it on his body. Backpack tents however have fewer columns and small packing sizes, but low ceilings and limited capacity are mainly suitable for one or two people.
6. Shelter for the tent camping
This is the term used to simulate an accommodation space such as a camping tent or somewhere. And they are also known for two basic:
6.1 Free-standing shelters

In general people always refer to independent shelters that include all kinds of accessories such as power poles, doors, and floors and are designed to be self-standing, which are considered tents today. Most vertical tents have flies and double-walled tents, but some are single-walled tents. However, they come in a variety of styles and colors, and they are versatile and easy to use. On the other hand, a free-standing tent has many shortcomings; while they are easy to assemble, sheltered tents are heavier than most unshielded tents. In addition, manufacturers enhanced the upgrade and replacement of lighter, more durable materials. However, the independent dome tents are often the top choice for recreational camping, backpackers, and canoeing. Besides, there are still a number of other independent designs such as geodetic tents and tunnel tents for trips in inclement weather. Moreover, there are also a number of new technologies including a pop-up tent popup that uses flexible stakes attached to the tent's design and pops up automatically when unpacked; tents are then folded into bags and inflatable tents are gaining in popularity by replacing the column with an inflatable tube and ensuring the strength of the tent column.
6.2 Non-free-standing shelters

More assembly techniques are required for this type of tent. Popular as traditional A-frame tarpaulin shelters consist of a long rope tied between two trees covered with a tarpaulin that is then plugged into the ground to hold tension. Besides, they can use trekking stakes or tepee-style sticks. Or avoid the bugs on the ground, you can create a new design by hanging a durable fabric between the trees by using the fabric to create a tent (hammock).
In a nutshell, if you choose camping locations like the suburbs, a shelter that is compact, lightweight, weather resistant, easy to carry, but still without a lack of modernity, especially a little costly. So, in the two characteristics mentioned above, when it comes to design, shape, and technology, it depends on the purpose of your accommodation, such as a tent on the roof of a car or a hammock.
7. The conditions of use
Although camping anywhere, in any form, we must save the lowest cost possible. Choosing the right tent for all seasons is a must-do if you're traveling. Some people use a 2-ply, 3-person, 3-season tent because they provide the most flexibility and fit, otherwise they are in a free state, can set it up on rocks, sand, dirt and snow.
However, if you usually camp with your wife; Husband and domestic animals like dogs, then get a bigger tent to accommodate all of you like the aforementioned 3-person tent. Even so, it will be a bit heavier if you go it alone.
Furthermore, do you plan on using the tent primarily for backpacking or boating tours as consider adding a little extra money for a super lightweight and compact double-layer tent that is easy to pack into small places .
In the case of car camping with family, it is also necessary to consider the number of participants to be more suitable. For example, families of four can use tents of 5 or even 6 people.
Maybe you're camping in rainy weather like the Pacific Northwest, consider using a high-quality, covered double-layer tent. It will be heavier, rather difficult to transport, but it will keep you drier.
8. Camping tent structure
8.1 One class

Most of these tents are self waterproof and do not require flying. There are no or very little nets for ventilation and the tent walls are designed to protect against rain and snow.
8.2 Two layers

Two layer tents include single layer tents, often with waterproof nets, flies to make the shelter weather tight.
8.3 Three season tents camping

Three season tents are designed to be used in spring, summer and fall, lighter and less durable than a four season tent.
8.4 Four season tents camping

A four season tent is more durable than a three-season tent because there are flies that sit all over the ground, secure columns, durable fabric, and lots of ties. It is known that they are built to resist strong winds and snow.
9. Stakes of the tents camping

The piles are the part that supports the tent very much during inclement weather as they keep the shelter on the ground and help keep the tent and fly stretched, thus preventing the tent from leaking.
10. Camping tent floor

Good and solid flooring ensures you, your family, have the most comfortable place to rest, so the tent floor is made of durable materials. Not only does it protect you and your furniture from any moisture that seeps into the tent, but also use a specially designed and shaped cloth, or a tarpaulin under your tent to protect it. off the ground and will protect your tent from wear and tear.
Surely many articles on social media share some information to serve the needs of how to choose the ideal tent before going camping all day. The information will differ in the information they provide, so you should also consult other sources like our site. From there you can draw tips on how to choose the right tents for family and friends.