Technological innovation also entails many factors that are upgraded from the smallest items to the human being, not only in appearance, but also in thinking. Forget about simple rectangular sleeping bags, with side zippers and not many essential functions.
However, such traditional sleeping bags incorporate many different types of sleeping bags. The common point of all sleeping bags provides warmth and comfort at night for those sleeping in campsites. It is important to choose a sleep style that is suitable for the external(ambient, time of year, place), internal (body temperature, user purpose).
That is why we are proud to provide you with some basic information about whether sleeping bags should be based on the shape, temperature and insulated sleeping bags of today's sleeping bags, they will help you to get some fun on your camping trip.
1.1 Sleeping bag shape
1.1.1 Rectangular sleeping bag

This is considered a traditional sleeping bag with spacious design and many sleeping spaces. They are rectangular in shape so you have plenty of space to lie down and are comfortable for those who like to hang around at night. However, the rectangular sleeping bag may be large, but the bag has no insulation properties, and does not have a hood to keep the air warm. The rectangular sleeping bag is best for car and indoor camping and the zip is compatible with other sleeping bags and can be opened flat for use as a quilt, saving money during plugging camp.
1.1.2 Barrel-shaped sleeping bag

Some people like the comfort and spaciousness of sleeping in a rectangular bag, assuming they won't affect warmth then the barrel sleeping bag is considered the rectangular sleeping bag version. As they feature a tapered shoulder area and leg box to reduce some dead air in rectangular pockets, and come with a hood that controls insulation properties. The barrel-shaped sleeping bag is suitable for car camping and backpacking. Therefore, this is also considered as an ideal choice for those who love camping with a sleeping bag.
1.1.3 Mummy sleeping bag

Considered a high-temperature sleeping bag, mainly in cold conditions.The mummy bag is shaped to fit the body, along with a leg box and an oblique leg area. In addition, the mummy sleeping bag comes in a variety of widths across the hips and shoulders, combined with a hood that can be tightened with a zipper. The mummy sleeping bag is much lighter than the rectangular and barrel-shaped sleeping bag, allowing the person to swing and twist and therefore may be less comfortable for some people. Ideal for backpacking and short or long camping if you covet.
1.1.4 Double sleeping bag

A double sleeping bag or a two-person sleeping bag, designed to be comfortable for two adults. If you go camping with a lover, this is the ideal camping equipment for you. However, the warmth of the double sleeping bag will decrease as the number of occupants increases, possibly lost due to the looseness of some double sleeping bags causing cold air to enter. On the other hand, there are still some twin sleeping bags that can also decompress and form two single sleeping bags, and they can be more flexible when sleeping alone. Best for car camping and romantic getaways. In fact, they're usually bigger and bulky, so they're not for long backpackers.
1.1.5 Quilt sleeping bag

Perhaps sleeping bags won't necessarily help you fight cold weather at night, when everything cools down to a low level. But if a sleeping bag is equipped with all the things, it can be quite heavy during travel. Overcoming this way, choosing a cotton blanket instead of a sleeping bag is a very attractive option. Quilts are also gradually becoming very popular in travel backpacks, if fitted with an insulating cushion underneath will help sleep better. Usually a good blanket is as warm as other sleeping bags. Very suitable for the loai shaped, lightweight travel backpack, hammock camping.
1.1.6 Elephant’s foot sleeping bag

The elephant foot sleeping bag closely resembles the shape of an elephant's foot, and is lightweight ideal for backpackers and mountaineers. It has a slim shape and fits snugly like a mummy sleeping bag, without a hood. They are also longer than other sleeping bags and are dependent on the person sleeping. The zippers are usually lengthy to save weight, with laces clamping the top half of the bag together underneath the mattress like a quilt.
1.1.7 Women’s sleeping bag

This type of sleeping bag is designed exclusively for women, they have a narrow shoulder structure and wide hip width and must really fit the length of the body to avoid heat loss. It is important that women's sleeping bags should be warmer than men's because women often feel colder and their health is quite weak.
1.1.8 Children’s sleeping bag

Usually baby sleeping bags have a shorter length than other types but still have the same properties as larger adult bags. Baby bags should be easy to pack, compact and lightweight. On the other hand, some baby bags have built-in sleeves for sleeping cushions, making them easy to use by first-time campers.
1.1.9 Pod shaped sleeping bag

This type of sleeping bag is evaluated to have giant size and unrestricted movement inside the bag, suitable for those who like to move a lot while sleeping. The lozenges do not fit tightly into the body like a mummy bag, so they are usually not warm, but especially if you have one more person sleeping together, the warm temperature will rise. Some pod pockets have an inner pocket, hood, integrated storage bag, and a wind baffle in the top zipper to keep the face out of the cold.
1.2. Sleeping bag temperature

Depending on the conditions that you have, and the right weather, you will choose a sleeping bag for the family and yourself. However, it is still important to understand ways to review and choose the temperature of your sleeping bag. Most sleeping bags are labeled with the corresponding temperature rating for each average male or female body temperature, so attention should be paid to the test. Some of the sleeping bags based on temperature include: Summer, Three season, Winter.
1.3. Down insulation sleeping bag

The Down insulation sleeping bag is also a preferred choice for those who like light backpack camping and hiking they are perfect for keeping warm. However, an advantage that everyone should pay attention to is that the insulation of the sleeping bag is severely limited when it is wet, difficult to dry in a short time. But now the manufacturer of Down's sleeping bag has an upgrade to its water permeability. Great for long camping because they are light and have long compression.
1.4. Synthetic insulated sleeping bag

Materials used for special insulation are synthetic materials, usually made of polyester, or a variation. Synthetic insulation, on the other hand, also has insulation but is heavier and less compressible. Their advantages are probably constructed from the beginning with the ability to insulate when wet, quickly dry, and reasonable prices for those who like backpacking and hiking.
Actually, there are many different types of sleeping bags based on traditional sleeping bag designs, with the combination of elements to create diverse sleeping bags now. You can enjoy sleep deep in the warmth and comfort almost anywhere. Are you intent on looking for a bed for your room, a camping-in-car sleeping bag, or simple backpack-style camping and hiking trips, no doubt having a bag ideal sleep.