People have traveled many parts of the world and places close to home are available, but few people understand what the term Camping is? They are understood as a trip lasting many days or short depending on your time frame, moving around the wilderness with just a backpack, choosing a suitable resting place like a luxury cabin. In the mountains, people have different ideas when it comes to camping.
However, whatever vacation it is, it all depends on what you set out and choose to enjoy them. Camping offers serenity and peace of mind, away from the chaos of urban prosperity.
On the other hand, in addition to relaxation, discovering new things, camping also offers an opportunity to connect family and the opportunity to interact with nature. Actually there are many types of camping you can see here.
1. Adventure camping

A form of camping that is specifically planned that adventurers want to know new things about, is also known as adventure camping. It usually has two main aspects, day and night. Usually you choose to travel by means or go hiking during the day. This helps you to broaden a more objective view of the natural landscape, explore new areas that you have never been to. On the other hand, during the day you visit, at night is the time to prepare camp and rest to prepare for the next day, and the meaning of adventure camping brings a sense of wilderness in a minimalistic best way.
2. Dry camping
This is a fairly special type of camping, called dry camping or wild camping, known as outdoor picnic. Speaking of dry camping, you don't have access to water or other amenities. And use only anything found on the web, to make your stay as comfortable as possible.
Moreover, dry camping offers a free and enjoyable experience for RV entertainment. Note, if you want to choose this type, you should carefully understand the conditions of the area you want to visit and especially suitable.
3. Backpacking camping

Backpack camping is known to spend all day just carrying belongings and gear on your back when traveling on nature or a hike can last from a day to several months. It's an independent way of travel, where you can walk through different types of ecosystems. Backpacking gives you the chance to slow down the life you live today and keep you closer to nature. If you are planning a backpack trip. Shoes are the most important item when it comes to backpacks as they spend hours hiking and are of good quality; Need to fully prepare supplies for several days of camping backpacks. On the other hand, you should also inform someone about your backpack camping plans in case of an emergency they will help you. Or if you are a participant of this type, you should look for an affiliate such as the hiking group of the American Hiking Association.
4. Lightweight backpack

Like camping backpacks, instead of them carrying enough items for the camping days, the ultra-lightweight camping backpack is a form of personal backpack with elimination of weight or utensils. You just need an ultra-light backpack with a few essential items. In addition, the backpack's packages serve at least 3 functions, so between 12 and 28 pounds. This is both an outing, also a trip to challenge yourself to face difficulties.
6.RV and VAN camping

It's also a form of car plugging, almost like canoeing. Instead upgraded vehicles, called RV camping, allow you to enjoy the thrills of nature and exciting outdoor destinations. As mentioned above, an entertainment vehicle that comes with almost anything you have at home, they are also seen as miniature houses. All you need is to find a suitable RV park where the bus stop can be reached.
7. Calling camping lover
Different from the previous type of camping, a camping chair and a camping tent or anything related to camping can be reserved for as many people as you want. And you are in love, want a romantic atmosphere for your lover. Camping with your partner is a good idea for both of you simply because they're based on your interests; make sure you are prepared before going camping.
8. Glamping camping

Glamping is an attractive form of tourism, also known as glamorous camping and involves camping with extravagant things. Glamping is not just a nice tent, but you can find many options ranging from cabins, villas, tipis, guesthouses and tree houses. It provides an opportunity for people to enjoy the experience. Furthermore, you cannot get permission from anyone else to surf, sleep without building a tent, open a sleeping bag or light a fire because most of the above activities are under your camp as it can be done in the mansion, yachts, pods, flight paths and tree houses...
9. Survivalist Camping
Quite popular on the web about the type of camping developed with survival skills. In survival camping, you need to equip and acquire all the skills necessary to survive in different outdoor situations. Skills for finding food in nature, first aid skills for wounds . . . With these skills, you can easily survive in emergencies or in extreme conditions like winter in the wilderness.
10. Tent camping
This is the most basic kind of camping, probably everyone once passed. Just look for a spot near your home like a park, or a camp-approved forest. You can camp in a tent at the campsite, the beach, in the woods or anywhere. Camping in a tent is an ideal option to try out for those new to camping and wanting to get started with saving money. Suitable for everyone but need to find a tent suitable for your family.
11. Overlanding camping
A type of tourism aimed at reaching remote locations. It includes motorized vehicles, such as bicycles and trucks, while you camp overnight. It can last for a long time, possibly months to years, furthermore crossing different international boundaries.
12. Winter camping
Through the hot summer, when the leaves fall, we have a cold season. Sure people camp in all seasons of the year but winters are very rare because cold weather, sometimes snowstorms. But this is also an ideal form of travel that gives you the chance to enjoy the peace and beauty of winter. During winter camping, you won't encounter crowded crowds or bugs. You can also combine camping with skiing. The most important thing when winter camping is to stay warm.
13. Camping work
Enough time to work, but you keep reeling in dozens of documents and unable to separate them. So bring it into your play. This is one of the unique types of camping that includes a mix of work and camping. It involves families, singles or couples, who work full time or part time, mostly in related areas. On the contrary, you get to yourself volunteer camping services; or rewarded or compensated with free campsites, and more. Nearly all camping work positions are seasonal.
Depending on a few interests and plans to go camping individually or as a family, friends will have many different types of camping to satisfy that interest. Whether you are camping near or far, the perfect preparation of items and personal belongings is available, sometimes there are some types of camping that require the challenge of less mnag items, or restriction Heavy duty items like super light camping or backpack camping. But you need to bring all the essentials you will need on the trip.