Fishing is not only a sport but also a hobby, a profession, a skill. This is an activity to help you relax on weekends, after tiring working days.
It's great when you feel the rope pulling, and the feeling of joy and pride when you see your victory. There are people who like to catch big fish, but there are also people who like to catch large numbers of fish. Whatever your hobby, fishing is a sport that requires patience over time, training you to persevere.
For professional anglers and fishing enthusiasts alike, knowing how to fish on a budget is important. One way you can reduce your fishing costs is to make your own fishing lures. There are many different types of fishing lures offered in the market today. The reason for this is simple - fish are getting bigger and smarter.
The choice of color of fishing lures is also very important, because it determines the attraction of fish species. Choosing the right color of fishing lures will help you harvest a lot of fish. You will be surprised by the benefits of colored fishing lures.
The color fishing lures have long been a concern for professional anglers. If you are just starting out in fishing, you should also learn about the color of the lures and benefits of it.
Attraction color determines the success of your fishing. Colored lures that stick well to the surface of the water may not be as effective when fishing in deep water. This difference in performance is mainly due to how color is related to the amount of light in the water. You can buy baits in all colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple. It is necessary that you choose the right one.
1. The color fishing lures play an important role in attracting fish
Absorption of colors underwater

You go fishing for the weekend, but the weather sometimes takes a sudden turn, the sky becomes filled with clouds and darkens the space around you, and so does the water. It could be a hindrance to your fishing session. Fish will have less chance of seeing your ghost lured through dark waters. But if you choose bait with a color that attracts them, then you need not worry about this problem.
Color plays an important role in targeting the right fish in different water conditions. However, when choosing the right color, many anglers still feel confused. Just because the color of the bait looks good, doesn't mean it's always suitable for fishing conditions. You need to determine your exact condition before buying fishing lures.
When you buy fishing lures, you need to keep in mind the species of fish you are targeting. Match the color of the fish you are targeting. Let's match the color with the condition of the sky and water.
When choosing bait colors, light absorption in the water is very important. Water gradually absorbs or blocks light of different wavelengths, meaning the colors effectively "disappear" in turn as "white" sunlight passes through the water column. The overall intensity or brightness of visible light also decreases rapidly underwater.
Because this absorption is greater for longer wavelengths (the red end of the spectrum) than for shorter wavelengths (the blue end of the spectrum), the perceived color is rapidly altered when increasing depth or distance through water.
The rate at which this discolouration occurs varies depending on the intensity of sunlight, whether the sun is high (at 12 noon) or low on the horizon, the amount of cloud cover, as well as water clarity and color, and the presence of any suspended matter such as weeds or plankton.
In addition, the absorption of light underwater depends on the ocean currents. Currents are so obvious far from shore that less than 25% of the sunlight hitting the sea surface will penetrate more than 30 feet or so. By the time a depth of 300 feet is reached, the remaining light may be as little as 0.5% of the available light on the surface. In other words, it was a rather gloomy place under deep water. In freshwater lakes and rivers, this loss of light with depth is even stronger.
Colored fishing lures are affected in water conditions, in both saltwater and freshwater, clean water, black water, sunny day, cloudy day.
In salt water environment
When you fish in salt water in the morning, the best bait colors to choose from will be black, blue, orange and red. When the sun is shining overhead (12pm), it's time to change your attraction to using histogram, green or white. Switch to darker colors like oranges and blues when the water becomes murky, dark.
Consider how deep you will be baiting because the deeper you go, the darker the bait. If you fish in deep salt water, choose blue bait because blue stays the longest in the depths of the water.
In freshwater environment
Unlike salt water, freshwater will require you to use dark colors both when the sun is bright overhead or when the moon is overhead, no matter day or night. For yellowish or murky aquatic environments, you might consider using a histogram color as this can become underwater bait.
Clean water
When the water is clear, the fish will see your bait perfectly through the water. The color of fishing lures you should choose is natural. Natural colors are key here. So use lures that match your target's prey in both style and color; that way, it will be easier to trick the target into biting it.
Colored fishing lures which are dark, are a reluctant choice as they can create perfect contrast, but they can appear quite unnatural in clear water, even for your target.
Black water

Contrast plays a big role in dark water and mud. It would be great to use dark fishing lures in dark waters. Black, and blue would be perfect colors when fishing in dark waters as they provide the ideal contrast to the line of sight.
You can also change the color of the bait according to how dark the water is. If the water is slightly muddy or colored, neutral colors like orange, red, and blue will work great.
Sunny day
The color of the fishing lures to choose from on sunny days is very diverse. As a general rule, your fishing box should be filled with beautifully colored fishing lures on a sunny day.
Keep the color of the bait as natural as possible when you go fishing on a clear day. All bright colors like white, neon, and the like work well in this climate, but one color in particular topping the list is silver.
Cloudy day
On days when the weather is not favorable, overcast, and dark, you may think that only very light colored baits can do that, but you are wrong. You can opt for brightly colored lures to attract prey and improve visibility, but in general, dark colors work better to match water conditions on a cloudy day.
Dark primer is used to bring out the contrast in dark water.
The best dark colored fishing lures on cloudy days include black, yellow and blue.
2. Colored fishing lures

In the system of colors, red is the first color visible to our eyes and usually disappears within 15 or 20 feet of the surface of the water. Especially in cloudy water, the orange color disappears next, followed by yellow, green and purple. Blue penetrates the deepest, both the tones visible to our naked eye and also the shorter ultraviolet wavelengths that many fish can see.
The effect of color has an impact on how things look to us, and also on fishing in the water.
Under water, white objects will have a bluish or grayish tint, and the darkness of that blue/gray object increases rapidly with depth.
Red objects will begin to appear dark brown or even black within a few meters of the surface.
At 40 or 50 feet, even in very clear waters, it seems to be entirely composed of shades of gray, blue, and black.

The phenomenon of loss of light and color under water. Choose the most effective attractive color, you can attract more fish. Believe that, with the benefitsof colored fishing lures that we offer, you will choose the bait with the right color for the water environment, weather conditions and the type of fish you want to attract.